Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Teen Bbs How To Start My Story?

How to start my story? - teen bbs

I have a story about a girl who was immortalized discovered that the person who created and found its target. He made new friends and maybe a shot of new heart, she had no one who was created, that is misguided. They discovered that the enemy was to kill the immortals, in a war that has left her, betrayed. He went to discover that he was now at hand, the woman and the city that even the best friends of friends. I need some kind of immortal, and that a girl's human side, and I think I have the rest, it has a very sophisticated plot and good background stories, but I can not begin to write the story without a beginning.

PS is an action / adventure / mystery romance, that the next time when I thought also can check. (Sort of)

PPS The man's name for girls (for the good of the question) is Sadie
The girl's name immortal (for the good of the question) of Constance
Crush-name (for the good of the question) is Sam
The name of the antagonist (the actual name of the story is) Bently

CPP Pleez HELP meh!

PPPP can say I am a son of the kind I just write that? OMG ROTFLOL

PPPPP \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ u0026lt \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ u0026lt \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ u0026lt ;------ That's a lot of post-script ... Maybe I should re-write and plan to ...

PPPPPP Bye! Reply Soon! BBS


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